08/13/10 – Through the collaborative effort between the Directorate of Special Investigations on Organized Crime (Dirección de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada – DIEDO), the Mexican Army, and Ministerial Police, 17 people, including two minors, were detained through a series of operations that took place in Puebla. A methamphetamine laboratory – the first of its kind ever found in the state – was also raided and decommissioned. All of the events took place throughout the night of Thursday and into the early morning of Friday.
The first eight arrests were made before raiding the methamphetamine lab; the names of those eight are Sergio “el Tio” Zavaleta Olán, Israel “el Moto Moto” Sánchez Rojas, Edgar Romeo “el Maestro” González Luna, Noé Orlando “la Vaca” Roldán Sánchez, Carlos Alberto “el Garusso” Abrego Zárate, Oscar “la Burra” Sánchez Rojas, Jaime “el Vaquero” Reyes Flores, and Fidel Rojas López. After being detained and questioned, the group of criminals led investigators to the laboratory where more arrests were made. A shootout occurred during the raid of the laboratory, but no injuries or deaths were reported. Six trailers, reported as stolen, were also seized.
Range, Xóchitl. “Desmantelan narcolaboratorio en Puebla.” El Universal, 13 August, 2010.