08/16/10 – According to the online news source Milenio, two criminal cell organizations linked to the drug-cartel Los Zetas attacked the instillations of Televisa, one of the largest media companies in Mexico, in Tamaulipas and Nuevo León with grenades. This resulted in the nervous breakdown of two employees. The first attack was registered against Televisa Noroeste in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on Manuel Cavazos Lerma Boulevard and Fresno Street. It is beieved that the attackers used a grenade launcher from a pedestrian bridge located near the station. The grenade damaged the roof of the second floor and some walls. No injuries were reported.
The second attack was registered in Monterrey, Nuevo León, around 01:00 hours at the intersection of Espinosa and Privada José Marroquín, outside of the Televisa instillations. There was damage to a Tacoma parked in front of the building, as well as to some windows. In this instance the attackers are believed to have been on motorcycles when they attacked the building. Elements from the State Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Estado) and Monterrey Police surrounded the sector, while the military conducted patrols of the area but they were unable to catch the attackers. An investigation is already underway by the Tamaulipas State Attorney General’s Office (Procuraduría General de Justicia de Tamaulipas).
Mosso, Rubén. “Lanzan granadas contra Televisa en Tamaulipas y Nuevo León.” Milenio. 16 Agosto, 2010.
Alerta Digital. “Atacan con explosivo instalaciones de Televisa Monterrey.” Alerta Digital. 16 Agosto, 2010.
Casas, David. “Lanzan granada contra instalaciones de Televisa Monterrey.” La Cronica de Hoy. 16 GAosto, 2010.