Peer Reviewed Publications

Please note that in the field of political science and in this bibliographic listing, authors are typically listed in alphabetical  order, rather than in order of an author’s contribution.


Shirk, David A. The Eagle and the Serpent: Organized Crime, Violence, and the Drug War in Mexico, unpublished manuscript (in progress).

Edmonds-Poli, Emily and David A. Shirk. Contemporary Mexican Politics. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2008; Second edition, 2011; Third edition, 2015.

Octavio, Rodriguez and David A. Shirk, eds. La reforma al sistema de justicia penal en México. San Diego: University of San Diego, 2012.

Cornelius, Wayne A. and David A. Shirk, eds. Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico. La Jolla and Notre Dame: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and Notre Dame University Press, 2007.

Shirk, David A. Mexico’s New Politics: The PAN and Democratic Change. Denver: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005.


Astorga, Luis and David A. Shirk. “Drugs, Crime, and Violence.” In Mexico and the United States: The Politics of Partnership, edited by Peter H. Smith and Andrew Selee, 161-190. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publisher, 2013.

Heinle, Kim, Octavio Rodríguez, and David A. Shirk. “Analysing Drug Violence in Mexico.” In Routledge Handbook of Security Studies, edited by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Thierry Balzacq, 313-326. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.

Ingram, Matthew C. and David A. Shirk. “Building Institutional Capacity in Mexico’s Criminal Justice System.” In Mexico’s Struggle for Public Security: Organized Crime and State Responses, edited by George Philip and Susana Berruecos, 119-145. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.

Ríos Cásares, Alejandra and David A. Shirk. “Introduction.” in Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico, edited by Wayne A. Cornelius and David A. Shirk, 1-50, La Jolla and Notre Dame: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and Notre Dame University Press, 2007.

Rodriguez Ferreira, Octavo. Seguridad: Discurso y Praxis (2010), Justiciabarómetro. Guadalajara: Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Rodriguez Ferreira, Octavio. La Policía Federal y el nuevo modelo de seguridad pública (2012),Policía Federal: Inteligencia y Capacidad Operativa,. México: CIES-SSP.

Rodriguez Ferreira, Octavio. Civic engagement and the judicial reform (2014), Civic Engagement and Public Security in Mexico. Washington, D.C: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Rodriguez Ferreira, Octavio. De Casus Belli (2015). La criminalidad transnacional organizada en los conflictos armados contemporáneos. Madrid: Tecnos.

Shirk, David A. “States, Borders, and Violence: Lessons from the U.S.-Mexican Experience.” In Violence, Coercion, and State-making in Twentieth-Century Mexico: The Other Half of the Centaur, edited by Wil G. Pansters, 43-67. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012.

Shirk, David A. “Domestic and National Security Challenges in Mexico.” In The Handbook of Mexican Politics, edited by Roderic Ai Camp, 671-695. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Shirk, David A. “Retos para la seguridad Estados Unidos-México.” In La reforma de la justicia en México, edited by Arturo Alvarado Mendoza,. 469-512. Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 2008.

Shirk, David A. and Alexandra T. Webber. “Human Trafficking in the U.S.-Mexican Context.” In Violence, Security, and Human Rights at the U.S.-Mexico Border, edited by Kathleen Staudt, Tony Payan, and Z. Anthony Kruszewski, 168-184. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2008.

Shirk, David A. “Choosing Mexico’s 2006 Presidential Candidates.” In Mexico’s Choice: The 2006 Mexican Presidential Election in Comparative Perspective, edited by Jorge Dominguez, Chappell Lawson, and Alejandro Moreno, 129-151. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

Shirk, David A. “Law Enforcement Challenges and ‘Smart Borders’.” In Homeland Security: Protecting America’s Targets, edited by James Forest, 178-201. Volume I: Borders and Points of Entry. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006.

Shirk, David A. “Mexico’s Democratization and the Organizational Development of the National Action Party.” In Party Politics and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico: National and State-level Analyses of the Partido Acción Nacional, edited by Kevin J. Middlebrook, 95-128. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 2001.

Shirk, David A. “Democratización y el Fortalecimiento del PAN:  El Caso de Tijuana.” In La Experiencia del PAN. Diez Años de Gobierno en Baja California, edited by Tania Hernández and Victor Espinoza, 54-75.  Tijuana: Colegio de la Frontera Norte, COLEF, 2001.

Shirk, David A. “Democratization and Local Party-building:  The PAN in León, Guanajuato.” In Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico, edited by Wayne A. Cornelius, Todd A. Eisenstadt, and Jane Hindley, 49-73. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 1999.


McDougal, Topher L., Robert Muggah, John H. Patterson, and David A. Shirk. “The Way of the Gun: Estimating Firearms Traffic Across the U.S.- Mexico Border.” Journal of Economic Geography 15, no. 2 (2015): 297-327.

Rodríguez Ferreira, Octavio. “Violent Mexico: Participatory and Multipolar Violence Associated with Organised Crime.” International Journal of Conflict and Violence 10, no. 1 (2016): 40-60.

Rodriguez, Octavio and David A. Shirk. “Understanding Mexico’s Criminal Violence” Mexico Peace Index. Institute for Economics and Peace (2013).

Shirk, David A. “La política exterior de Obama hacia México.” Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. (April-June 2016): 50-57.

Shirk, David A. and Joel Wallman. “Understanding Mexico’s Drug Violence.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59, no. 8 (2015): 1348-1376. [Impact Factor: 1.609 | Ranking: International Relations 15 out of 85 | Political Science 29 out of 161]

Shirk, David A. “A Tale of Two Mexican Border Cities: The Rise and Decline of Drug Violence in Juarez and Tijuana.” Special issue, Journal of Borderlands Studies 29, no. 4 (2014): 481-502.

Shirk, David A. “Criminal Justice Reform in Mexico: An Overview.” Mexican Law Review 3, no. 2 (2011): 189-228.

Shirk, David A. “Judicial Reform in Mexico.” Insights on Law & Society 9, no. 3 (2009): 7-29.

Shirk, David A. “Law Enforcement and Security Challenges in the U.S.-Mexican Border Region.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 18, No. 1 (2003): 1-24.

Shirk, David A. “Vicente Fox and the Rise of the PAN.” Journal of Democracy 11, no. 4 (2000): 25-32.



Shirk, David A. The Drug War in Mexico: Confronting a Shared Threat, special report prepared at the request of the Council on Foreign Relations, Council Special Report no. 60, March 2011.