08/13/10 – For the second day in a row, nearly 300 elements from the Municipal Police (Policía Municipal) force of Lázaro Cárdenas have occupied the Public Security instillations in protest of Alberto Arellano Aguilera, head of the local unit. This comes days after federal police “picked-up” and beat the municipal police officer Paulo Rodríguez Aparicio. According to the police officers on strike (all of whom are unarmed), a convoy of federal agents stopped a motorist in front of Aparicio’s office for a routine stop. When the officer looked out to see what was going on the federal agents demanded that he go back into his office. Later the federal agents entered his office and put him into a vehicle and proceeded to beat him for two hours.
In response the police officers are asking for the resignation of Alberto Arellano Aguilera, Municipal Public Security (Seguridad Pública Municipal) director, who is also the Federal Police commander, and whom they accuse of disregarding their complaints since he was put in charge of the organization in November of 2009. Likewise, they accuse him of ignoring the case of the police officer who was beaten by federal agents. Meanwhile, elements from the Mexican Army (Ejército), Navy (Marina), and the State Preventative Police (Policía Estatal Preventiva) will realize public security functions in order to deter the perpetration of crime against the citizens in the absence of the Municipal Police force. This is the second protest by public security elements against there superiors in a week.
Diario Yucatán. “Protesta de policías, ahora en Michoacán.” Diario Yucatán. 13 Agosto, 2010.
Rivera, Rafael. “Policías de Lázaro Cárdenas siguen en paro.” El Universal. 13 Agosto, 2010.