Juan Miguel Alcántara, executive secretary of the National System of Public Security (Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública), reported that along with the governors of Campeche, Durango, Nayarit, Nuevo León and Tabasco he signed the conventions of each Public Security Support Fund (Fondo de Apoyos a la Seguridad Pública, FASP).
Another 11 are nearing completion, and in the next two weeks it is expected that the work and signing of legal agreements and respective technical annexes of the 6 thousand 918 million pesos approved for 2010 will be finished.
In a press release issued by the Interior Ministry (Segob), Alcántara stated that the revision of the legal agreements and technical annexes for the 31 federal states and the Distrito Federal (DF), realized in conjunction with state authorities were finished.
Segob noted that in late February of 2008 it had not finished validating the projects of the 31 federal States or the DF, likewise no legal agreements were signed (through which resources would be channeled). Until February 26, 2009 only five technical annexes had been culminated and no legal agreements.
According to El Semanario, in 2009 the DF did not use 89% of the resources allocated to the city by FASP; accompanying this same trend are the States of Jalisco with 91.4%, Quintana Roo with 89.4% and Guanajuato with 88.7%.
During 2010, the DF will be one of the two federal entities that will receive the most money from FASP, while the city of Chihuahua, which according to El Semanario is the most violent, is positioned forth on the list. The city of Mexico will receive 443,641,432 thousand million pesos (mmp) and state of Edomex will be the entity receiving the most with 550,065,00 million pesos, 117 million more.
El Semanario. “Chihuahua ocupa 4O lugar en recibir apoyo del FASP”. El Semanario. 3 marzo, 2010.
Mejía, Gerardo. “Firman estados convenio para fondo de seguridad”. El Universal. 28 febrero, 2010.