A leader of The Zetas (Los Zetas) in Monterrey, Héctor Raúl Luna Luna (El Tory), was captured Tuesday afternoon. An elite group of the Mexican Army surrounded his home in the colony of Barrio Estrella Élite where Héctor Luna had been residing for the past month. Witnesses reportedly heard heavy gunfire for nearly five minutes before the seizing took place. The family of Héctor Luna had been with him at the time but retreated from inside the compound minutes before.
Héctor Luna, along with two other individuals, were captured at around 4:30pm local time. Minutes later, a nearby military convoy was attacked but successfully held off the oppressors.
An hour later, small crime groups began to create blockades in commuter-heavy areas of the city as a form of retaliation to the capture. Recent reports count 28 blockades. The groups took control of large vehicles and utilized them to obstruct roads and intersections. Many of the drivers and passengers were forced out of their respective vehicles and fled to safety. In some cases, gunfire was utilized to instill fear into the citizens. No injuries have been reported.
The Secretary General of the Government (Secretario General de Gobierno), Javier Treviño Cantú, stated in a press conference early Wednesday morning that the retaliation shown by the crime groups reflects the significance of capturing Héctor Luna. There will also be an investigation as to why, at certain blockades, local police took up to three hours to arrive at the locations.
Héctor Raúl Luna Luna is suspected of being involved in the attack of a U.S. Consulate back in October of 2008. He is also believed to have planned the recent kidnapping of Enrique Barrios Rodríguez, head of the Ministry of Roads and Traffic of Monterrey (titular de la Secretaría de Vialidad y Tránsito de Monterrey), and Reynaldo Ramos Alvarado, Chief Operating Officer (Director Operativo).
Milenio. “Exigen liberar a zeta con 28 narcobloqueos.” Milenio. 9 June, 2010.
El Universal. “Captura de capo en NL desata narcobloqueos.” El Universal. 9 June, 2010.
The city was a whole mess that day!! anyway I don’t care, as long as we get rid of these criminals, its more than ok I guess