Víctor Manuel Serrato Lozano, president of the Human Rights Commission for the state of Michoacán (Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos—CEDH) has stated that Michoacán is the state with most complaints against federal forces in the first quarter of the year with an increase of 12.5%; Chihuahua comes at a close second with an increase of 11%.
The complaints are against the State Attorney Generals Office (Procuraduría General de Justicia), the National Defense Secretariat (La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional), the Federal Police (Policía Federal), and the Mexican Navy (Secretaría de Marina-Armada). Out of all the criticism recieved, most of which is regarding acts of torture and overall bad treatment, the majority is against the Federal Police. Victor Lozanzo expressed his concern over the Federal Police’s behavior against the citizens of Michoacán, which are thought by him to be inhumane at times, and the lack of addressing of the issue by the appropriate authorities. In the meantime, Lozanzo has sent his recommendations to the agencies in hopes of decreasing the rate at which complaints are filed in the coming months.