05/25/12 – From May 22 to 25, the Mexican National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Information (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía, e Informatica, INEGI) co-hosted its first international forum on “Statistics of Government, Crime, Victimization, and Justice” in collaboration with the United Nations, the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Relations, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Center for Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice.
The forum was hosted at INEGI’s headquarters in the state of Aguascalientes, located in central Mexico. The conference included presentations by researchers and statisticians from 30 countries, including Australia, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, and the United States among others. The conference was convened for participants to share methodologies and analysis related to crime and criminal justice statistics. Those in attendance had the opportunity to learn about experiences and concrete methodologies from researchers and heads of statistical institutes from different parts of the world.
Eduardo Sojo, the president of INEGI, said that there was a demand for new statistical information needed in a variety of areas, and thus the Excellence Center for Statistic Information on Government, Victimization, Public Security and Justice (Centro de Excelencia para Información Estadística de Gobierno, Victimización, Seguridad Pública y Justicia)–one of the organizations that collaborated in putting the conference together–was created. Antonio Mazzitelli, representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said the Centre of Excellence in Mexico has thus far become an international reference, and in the near future will be able to provide technical assistance to other countries.
Trans-Border Institute Director David Shirk and Justice in Mexico Coordinator Octavio Rodriguez attended the forum to present results from the Justice in Mexico Project’s recent reports on drug violence in Mexico and police in Ciudad Juárez, which were sponsored by the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Open Society Initiative, respectively.
TBI’s presentation, along with the other participants’ work, will be available soon at the Excellence Center’s website: http://www.cdeunodc.inegi.org.mx/
To learn more about last week’s conference, you can go to: