Jesús Reyes Heroles, who served as director of PEMEX for three years, has stepped down from his post following a corruption probe into the state petroleum agency. Mexican President Felipe Calderón replaced Reyes with Juan JoséSuárezCoppel. The change comes as the federal government investigates the possible involvement of PEMEX officials in the stealing of petroleum products through clandestine pipelines and the illicit sale of the petroleum-derived products. The areas with the largest concentration of petroleum thefts are the states of Veracruz, Mexico, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, according to Tabasco Hoy. Between $700 million-$900 million worth of petroleum or petroleum products have been stolen annually in recent years from PEMEX according to various press reports.
No author. “Anuncia el Presidente Felipe Calderon cambio en sugabinete con la salida del director de Pemex.” Tabasco HoySeptember 8, 2009.