10/13/10 – At the beginning of this month, President Felipe Calderón announced that his country initiated the process to put into orbit three new satellites as a means to improve security, in addition to supplying communication to the countries most remote communities, in order to close the digital gap. He noted that the satellites would use information techniques fully inviolable to the interception of criminal groups.
During the 18th Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union (18ª Conferencia de Plenipotenciarios de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones – UIT) the president announced that the project would cost between $1.2 billion and $1.5 billion dollars, and will be in full function by the end of his administration in 2012.
Rosa, Tania. “México pondrá tres satélites en órbita: FCH.” El Economista. 04 Octubre, 2010.
Generacion. “México pondrá en órbita tres satélites para mejorar seguridad.” 05 Octubre, 2010.