02/28/11— The Secretary of the Navy arrested Sergio Antonio Mora Cortes, alias “El Toto” yesterday, who is identified as the leader of the San Luis Potosi unit of the organized crime group Los Zetas. He is also associated with the homicide of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Agent (ICE), Jaime Zapata, as he is the boss of Julian Zapata Espinosa, who is accused by authorities to be responsible for Zapata’s death. Mora Cortes is charged with the assassination of the Director of Protection and Public Security of Nuevo Laredo, Manuel Farfan, his four bodyguards, and his private secretary. Mora Cortes executed this operation on February 3, 2011 in Tamaulipas.
He is also linked with Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, alias Z-40, who is responsible for the financial aspects, routes, and movements of drugs, arms, and money for Los Zetas. Mora Cortes was arrested with five other men who were found in a hotel in Saltillo, Coahuila, where police also found six grenades, 15,720 U.S. dollars, 3,040 Mexican Pesos, 10 radios, and luxury vehicles. The five other men have been identified as Carlos Daniel Zevalúa Cortez “el Dany”; Enrique Zarmeño García, “el Quique”; Miguel Alejo García, “el Gato”; Fernando González Zúñiga, “el Pinolillo”; y Armando Francisco González, “el Ojitos”. The Secretary of the Navy said they didn’t use any weapons to stop these men and that they will now be in the hands of Attorney General’s Office (PGR), who will figure out the appropriate punishments.
Feel free to read more about the information regarding ICE agent Jaime Zapata and the work of the Mexican government to arrest those responsible:
Also more information regarding the assassination of Manuel Farfan.