Around 5pm on December 3rd, elements from the Federal Police, Judicial Police, two groups from the State Police, and other government forces- making up the Mixed Unit to Combat Drug Dealing (Unidad Mixta de Atención al Narcomenudeo, UMAN) – where assaulted by unknown assailants while carrying out an operation.
According to the Secretariat of Public Security and Civil Protection the event took place in the community of Las Cruces, municipal of Coyuca de Catalán in Guerrero.
The police officers responded to the aggression, resulting in the death of Alfonso Benítez, a Federal Public Prosecution agent, Armando Mota Cortés, Judicail Police commander, and José Cortes Molina, an agent with the State Police.
Likewise, two of the assailants, whose identity still remains unknown, died during the encounter. Five other individuals where injured as well, four government elements and one assailant.