08/25/10 – The president commissioner of the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Protection of Data (Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información Pública y Protección de Datos – IFAI), Jacqueline Peschard, kicked off the seventh National Week of Transparency – hosted by IFAI – by stating that it is “an obligation of the state” for government administrations to be transparent as it is a “starting point for an efficient management that yields benefits to more people.” The event runs from this Wednesday through Friday and has government officials as well as both national and foreign specialists analyze the impact of transparency in public administrations.
The secretary of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico – OCDE), José Ángel Gurría, made his statements through a video message sent to IFAI. He believes that transparency helps organizations face their “setbacks, [our] challenges in strategic areas such as education, energy, taxation, green growth, and the fight against organized crime.” He believes that being transparent helps governments and public institutes analyze how well they perform their duties in relation to meeting their objectives. Gurría also added that it helps create a society in which its citizens are willing to participate and contribute with their input on how well certain public institutes meet their needs.
Jiménez, Horacio. “Transparencia, vía para combatir narco: OCDE.” El Universal. 25 August, 2010.
Jiménez, Horacio. “Derecho a la información, demanda social: IFAI.” El Universal. 25 August, 2010.
El Mundo de Orizaba. “Alista IFAI Semana Nacional de Transparencia.” El Mundo de Orizaba. 25 August, 2010.