11/3/11 – Just days before the hacker group Anonymous was set to publicize important information about the Zetas drug cartel and expose its affiliates in response to the kidnap of one of their members in Veracruz, the victim was allegedly released from captivity. “We can say that, while he is bruised, he is alive and well,” Anonymous’s website said. Given that Zetas met the demands of the group by releasing the kidnapped victim, the ‘hacktivist’ group finally called off its so called ‘Operation Cartel’ (OpCártel), which they had been threatening to carry out since the beginning of October. (For more information on the unfolding of OpCártel, click here.)
In addition to the release of the Anonymous member, the Zetas also made serious threats to deter the hacker group from releasing information on November 5. According to reports,the Zetas claimed they would target the family of the released kidnapped victim if any Zetas members or affiliations were named. Additionally, 10 innocent people would be killed for every name exposed. In response, Anonymous cancelled the scheduled ‘operation’ and claimed via its Twitter account, “The continuation of ‘OpCártel’ would result in the death of dozens of innocent people. If that does not concern you, than you are the same as the Zetas.”
No information of the kidnapped individual was given for security reasons.