Transparency & accountability

Tlaxcala submits implementation project for criminal justice reform

08/24/10 – The President of the Superior Court of Justice of the state of Tlaxcala (Tribunal Superior de Justicia del estado – TSJE), Justino Hernández Hernández, said he is waiting for the Secretary of the Interior (Secretaría de Gobernación—SEGOB) to accept the Criminal Justice Reform implementation project, in order to receive part of the 196, 288, 517 pesos to be paid to the 32 sates towards judicial reform implementation.

He explained that according to the provisions of the “Implementation of the Criminal Justice Reform System” Program Budget – which SEGOB is in charge of – the tribunals of each state must submit a project that establishes the design of the legal reforms, organizational changes, construction and operation of infrastructure, as well as the training of judges, prosecutors, police, defense attorneys and lawyers, who will be involved in implementation of oral trials.

According to Hernández, the first stage of this process has been completed and Tlaxcala can begin to receive resource support “…which consists in the planning of necessary requirements regarding infrastructure and training.” Once the project is approved the Technical Secretariat of SEGOB will allocate resources according to the population size of each state.

He noted that the allocation of resources would consist in three parts: an initial portion equivalent to 50% of the total resources allocated, within ten days after having signed the corresponding Coordination Agreement. The second portion, consisting in 30%, is then granted after the Committee has determined that the project is advancing according to the objectives established, and finally the last portion, equivalent to 20%, is granted once the project is complete.


Piscil, Maire. “Necesario recursos extraordinarios para realizar Juicios Orales.” E-Consulta.16 Agosto, 2010.

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