In Hermosillo, Sonora, a total of twenty-one drug cartel members die in a confrontation between human traffickers and drug-traffickers on a country road between the municipals of Tubutama and Sáric, 350 kilometers from the capital. The event occurred around four in the morning on Thursday, twenty kilometers from the U.S-Mexico border.
Mexican federal and state authorities blocked access to nearby communities. Nine human-smugglers, six of whom were injured, were arrested after authorities flew over the Sonora desert looking for those responsible for the bloodshed. It is not known yet what armed group those involved in the confrontation belong to, however, several of the cars left behind are marked with an “x” which is a characteristic of the “Zetas”.
La Cronica de Hoy. Al menos 38 muertes violentas en Sonora, Morelos, Jalisco y Sinaloa.” La Cronica de Hoy. 02 Julio, 2010.
“Chocan bandas en Sonora; saldo de 21 muertos.” Informador. 02 Julio, 2010.
El Universal. “Enfrentamiento entre bandas dejó 21 muertos en México.” El Universal. 02 Julio, 2010