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Sonora Creates New Penal Code

05/23/11 – On May 9, 2011, Sonora held its first Regional Forum in San Luis Río Colorado to discuss the creation and implementation of the new Penal Procedures Code (digo de Procedimientos Penales).  The public event, which was the first of five forums to be held in various cities throughout Sonora, was headed by Representative Damián Zepeda Vidales. Some of the representatives present included Leslie Pantoja Hernández, Marco Antonio Ramírez Wakamatzu, and federal representative Leonardo Guillén Medina. Various members of Congress, as well as judges from the San Luis Río Colorado district, were also present at the event.

According to multiple news outlets including Critica and Nuevo Sonora, topics of discussion at the forum all relating to the new penal code included the role the state judiciary has had in the implementation of legislative projects surrounding the new system; training for lawyers and police; changing the focus of study in universities for those interested in studying law; having sufficient resources to implement the new oral hearing system; and the integration of judges into executive- and legislative-led commissions.

The new penal code strives to protect the rights of victims by allowing them, in certain cases, to practice direct penal action before a judge without neglecting the judicial guardianship that assists the accused, reports Critica. It also stated that the system will ensure that all individuals are treated equally before the law, and will make sure that judges guarantee this right.  The code attempts to reduce the number of cases involving unethical procedures such as intimidation, torture, and cruel treatment. Nogales will host the next public forum to discuss the new Penal Procedures Code and its implementation in Sonora.


“Iniciarán este lunes foros regionales sobre reforma al sistema de justicia penal.” H. Congreso Estado de Sonora. May 6, 2011.

“Hay advances en sistema de justicia penal: Gutiérrez.”  Critica. May 9, 2011.

“Realiza Congreso foro en SLRC.”  Critica.  May 9, 2011.

“Participa STJ en Foro Regional sobre reformas en materia procesal penal.” Nuevo Sonora. May 11, 2011. 

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