08/26/10 – In the early hours of today a heavily armed group of individuals stormed the Center for Detention and Rehabilitation of Minors (Centro de Internamiento y Readaptación Social de Menores) in the municipal of Escobedo, Nuevo León. They tied up the security guards and then proceeded to take five minors accused of homicide and kidnapping. The minors have been identified as Carlos Genaro Salas, Juan Angel Pruneda, César Efrén, and Aarón and Jesús Banda. It is believed that the armed commando used roadblocks in order to distract police officers.
Milenio. “Rescata comando a menores del Consejo Tutelar en Escobedo, NL.” Milenio. 26 Agosto, 2010.
El Economista. “Rescata comando a menores del Consejo Tutelar en Escobedo, NL.” El Economista. 26 Agosto, 2010.