Yesterday morning the municipal police of Morelos found the bodies of six individuals who were murdered in two separate occasions. Authorities stated that the bodies were found in different areas of Morelos.
Four bodies were found at the southern entrance of Cuernavaca in the area known as the El Polvorin. On arrival, authorities found cartridges for AK-47 rifles and R-15. A message under one of the bodies was directed towards Edgar Valdéz Villareal, alias “La Barbie”, a key member of the Beltrán Leyva cartel in Morelos and Guerrero. According to La Jornada, the narco-message said, “Edgar Valdéz Villareal , alias la barbie there you have the homosexuals Ruba, el Negro, el Jony, Lupe, and el abuelo. This will happen to all the traitors and those who support you. Attentively the Pacífico del Sur cartel,” indicating the same fate for anyone who collaborates with Villareal.
Another two individuals were found dead in the private domicile of “Bello Horizonte” number 6-A, in the town of Ahuatepec, after the Secretariat of Protection and local Citizen Aid (la Secretaría de Protección y Auxilio Ciudadano de Cuernavaca) received an anonymous tip, informing them of a shootout in that residence.
Isidro, Leticia. “Localizan a seis ejecutados en Cuernavaca, Morelos.” Milenio. 30 Marzo, 2010.
Diario de Yucatán. “Ejecutan a seis personas en Morelos.” Diario de Yucatán. 30 Marzo, 2010.