Crime and Violence

Six die after a drug rehabilitation center in Juarez is attacked

Yesterday evening an armed commando attacked the Integral Clinic Against Addictions (Clínica Integral Contra Las Adicciones), a drug rehabilitation center in the Mexican city of Juarez, Chihuahua, killing six individuals, two of which were women. The Municipal Police (Policía Municipal) stated that the attack occurred on one of the most important streets of the border, that of Manuel J. Clouthier and Filodermo, while the victims were entering the clinic. They noted that according to witnesses at least six hooded individuals with long firearms were following the victims and fired their weapons at them once they began to enter the building. The victims had a baby with them during the attack that remained unharmed.

The victims have been identified as: Adrián Rodríguez Camarillo (28 ), Erick Sánchez Cháirez (34), Sergio Arturo Soto (39), Rosa Isela Pineda Téllez (32), Adriana García Acevedo (35), and Luis Eduardo Medina Sosa (39).

When federal agents arrived they surrounded the crime scene while a convoy of municipal police officers combed the area for the attackers whose location still remains unknown. This is the second attack on a rehabilitation center in Chihuahua in the past week. On the 10th of last week nineteen interns were killed in a similar attack in the capital of Chihuahua. According to the Municipal Police of Juarez (Policía Municipal de Ciudad Juárez) this is the forth attack on a detox center that has been recorded in the past eight months in Chihuahua.

Ansalatina. “Matan a seis personas en clinica de adictos.” Ansa. 17 Junio, 2010.
Notimex en Ciudad Juárez. “Matan a 6 en clínica de rehabilitación en Juárez.” La Cronica de Hoy. 16 Junio, 2010.
AFP, and El Mexicano. “Asesinan a seis personas en clínica para adictos en Ciudad Juárez.” El Heraldo  de Tabasco. 16 Junio, 2010.

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