Transparency & accountability

PRI leaders step down to partake in elections for governor

Jesús Vizcarra Calderón, Culiacán’s mayor, requested permission to secede from his position in order to contest in the internal nominations of the Institutional Revolutionary party (PRI) to determine nominee for the governor of Sinaloa. In an extraordinary session held by the municipal council (the supreme authority of every municipal) his petition was approved and in his place, acting as interim mayor, Francisco Antonio Castañeda Verduzco was appointed.

In the last couple months, Vizcarra Calderón has been questioned for his supposed family ties with the late sinaloense drug boss Jesús Inés Calderón Quintero, and for appearing in a photo captured thirty years ago with Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. However, he has said to be open to any investigations which focus on his person and undertakings. Before making his decision to step down as mayor, he realized a recounting of the diverse public works he developed in his administration as mayor.

Likewise, Jorge Franco Vargas resigned on Monday as President of the state steering committee of the PRI, with the intention of not to being “judge and part” at the moment the call for PRI candidates seeking the Oaxaca governor position is issued. In a press conference he declared that he would be leaving his potion with the PRI to seek candidacy as the state governor.  

Fellow party members, Eviel Pérez Magaña, Adolfo Toledo Infanzón, Martín Vásquez Villanueva, José Antonio Estefan Garfias, and José Antonio Hernández Fraguas, have also manifested dictions of parting with the internal election process of the PRI.


Informador. “Presidente estatal del PRI Oaxaca renuncia y va por al gubernatura.” Informador. 15 febrero, 2010.

Milenio. “Renuncia líder del PRI en Oaxaca para buscar candidatura a gobernador.” Milenio. 15 febrero, 2010.

Martínez, Javier. “Vizcarra deja alcaldía; va por gubernatura”. El Universal. 15 febrero, 2010.

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