Wednesday night, an unknown group of criminals attacked a police station in the municipal of Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon. The injured officer, José Luis López Martínez, was transported to the nearest hospital in Monterrey. His injuries included a bullet in his right arm, chest, and abdomen. Despite the circumstances, José Martínez managed to call for help to the highway patrol (Policía Estatal de Caminos) who were able to provide his aid.
Police reports state that the attackers came in three trucks and had high-caliber rifles. It was indicated that six police officers from the same municipal abandoned their duties in fear of another attack. The seven men who would relieve them from their shifts did not show up for work either. The shooting comes only a day after three police officers from Los Herreras, Nuevo Leon, were killed after being attacked. The Secreteriat of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública – SSP) has begun to dispatch more highway patrol officers to municipals in Nuevo Leon that may need added security.
La Crónica Hoy. “Atacan comandancia en NL.” La Crónica Hoy. 24 June, 2010.
El Universal. “Comando hiere a policía en ataque a cuartel.” El Universal. 24 June, 2010.
Milenio. “Siguen ataques; ahora en Cerralvo.” Milenio. 24 June, 2010.