Crime and Violence

Narco-gravesite with three bodies found in Nuevo León

Soldiers from the Mexican Army located a gravesite believed to have been created and used by members of organized crime in the northern state of Nuevo León where the remains of at least three bodies were found, and evidence that at least seven other bodies were burned there. An officer from the Seventh Military Zone (Séptima Zona Militar) told the online news source EFE that an anonymous tip alerted them that people had been burned and buried in a secluded area located on a rural road more than 500 meters from the Las Águilas in the municipality of Juárez.

Police officers from the State Agency of Investigation (Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones) and forensic experts from the Prosecutor’s Office (Procuraduría de Justicia) of Nuevo León arrived at the scene shortly after in order to begin investigations and gather evidence. Excavation equipment was also taken to the site. This is the third “narco-gravesite” located in the past few weeks in different points of Monterrey where a total of 15 bodies have been found.


Agencia EFE. “Soldados hallan narcofosa en Nuevo León, norte de México.” Agencia EFE . 23 Julio, 2010.

Cedillo, Juan. “Suman 15 cadáveres en narcofosa en NL.” El Universal. 23 Julio, 2010.

Vanguardia. “Hallan otra narcofosa en Nuevo León.” Vanguardia. 23 Julio, 2010.

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