Mexico City has created a Filming Commission and it is being lauded by some movie makers as a significant step to prevent authorities from forcing film makers to pay bribes to film movies, Mexican soap operas and commercials in certain parts of the city. Film maker Fernando Rovzar told Notimex that the Legislative Assembly approved the creation of a Law for Filming in the Federal District in April, which he hopes will create changes in the way that permits have been doled out in the past through what he described as “absurd methods and actions that were out of bounds.” He said that directors and producers used to self-censor their films to avoid filming certain monuments, streets and culturally significant parts of the city in order to avoid problems with authorities. “We should submit the paperwork and request permits in a legal way,” he told Notimex.
From the July Justice in Mexico Project’s Monthly News Report:
“La Comision de Filmaciones del DF, un paso contra la corrupcion. Notimex, retrieved from SDPnoticias. July 2, 2009.