12/01/10 – On Monday night military personnel found a clandestine gravesite believed to be used by drug trafficking organizations, in a place known as ‘Albercas El Capricho’, located off of the Ejido 6 de Enero-Puerto Palomas highway in the state of Chihuahua. The Secretariat of National Defense (Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional –Sedena) reported that on the 27 th of November five individuals were detained in possession of a pistol silencer, two gun cartridges, and 227 bullets of different calibers. The detainees later confessed to knowing the location of the gravesite mentioned.
As of yesterday 20 bodies have been found and according to the online news source El Universal, three of the bodies are female and two are believed to be those of U.S. citizens. One of them has been identified as Lorenzo Rentería, born in 1983 on the 8 th of August in New Mexico. Rentería was reported missing in October of this year but his mother, Esther Rentería, told the news agency EFE that Lorenzo called her a week ago and told her that he had been detained but did not specify by whom. U.S authorities believe the second U.S. citizen to be 31-year-old Camerino Corral. All of the victims were killed between 8 and 12 months ago.
AFP. “20 cadáveres hallados en fosas clandestinas en el norte de México.” 31 Noviembre, 2010.
El Universal. “Identifican a 3 mujeres en fosas de Chihuahua.” 01 Diciembre, 2010.