The Mexican armed forces responded to intense rain brought by Hurricane Jimena early September that brought rain to the pacific state of Baja California Sur (BCS), and the interior states of Mexico (Edomex) and Sonora that some say had not been seen in a generation. In southern Sonora, Mexican Army and Navy personnel rescued more than 80 people from rooftops of flooded homes. Floods there left two dead, one disappeared, and 8,000 displaced. Many residents of southern Sonora have voiced their discontent with the outgoing government of Governor Eduardo Bours for not warning residents of possible flooding. Army personnel also responded to flood victims in Valle Dorado, Arboledas and Atizapán de Zaragoza, Edomex, assisting hundreds of families affected by the flooding.
“Jimenadeja 2 muertos y más de 200 mil damnificados en Sonora.” La JornadaSeptember 5, 2009.
“AplicaEjeercito Plan DN III en el edomexporlasintensaslluvias.” Rotativo de Querétaro September 7, 2009.