02/18/11 – The narco-trafficker Sandra Ávila Beltrán, better known by the alias “La Reina del Pacifico” (Queen of the Pacific), has not let prison get in the way between her and her beauty. She has recently denied having an injection for botox while her stay in prison, which is a procedure forbidden for any of the inmates. The State Public Prosecutor’s office reported that Ávila Beltrán was interrogated this past Wednesday on the issue by officials from the Attorney General’s office at the Women’s Center for Social Rehabilitation in Santa Martha Acatitla (Centro Femenil de Readaptación Social de Santa Martha Acatitla) where she is currently staying. Personnel from the National Commission of Human Rights were also present.
During the interrogation, it was stressed by authorities that more emphasis should be put on figuring out how this unauthorized doctor was able to enter the prison in the first place. The government news agency Notimex stated that on January 10, medical officials inside the penitentiary asked the prison warden to allow for an “external” doctor to enter the jailhouse and apply a vaccine to Ávila Beltrán. This vaccine however, ended up having no medical purpose. It was also reported upon investigation that Ávila Beltrán had planned to schedule liposuction in the future. As a result, the director of the prison, Sara Leticia Morales Cartagena, and the manager of the prison’s medical services, Jessica Vicuña Santiago, were forced to resign from their positions.
Ávila Beltrán has been in prison for the past three years due to her involvement as a key player in narco-trafficking affairs between Columbians and members of the Sinaloa Cartel. She is one of the few women who has managed to become well known for her activities in the narco-trafficking world, and has even inspired soap operas like Arturo Pérez-Reverte’s “La Reina del Sur.” Prosecutors have made sure that these charges are currently pending against her after a judge ruled last December that there is some evidence lacking in the case. The U.S. is also seeking her extradition in connection with drug-trafficking.
Great post!