The Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, proposed the disappearance of local police forces and a change to integrate all police forces at a state level to the Chamber of Representatives. García Luna explained that this measure is aimed at the objective of making more efficient use of resources and institutional capacity as methods and procedures would be approved and recognized throughout all police bodies in the country. Currently, García Luna stated that 2,022 local police corporations exist in the country, each with distinct regulatory frameworks and different operative procedures. García Luna also noted that June 30th marked the conclusion of the agreement with the Secretary of National Defense which integrated the military in substantial police work.
In reviewing the results of the Secretary of Security during the last 3 years in office, García Luna highlighted that like the security structure itself, the police sector had to work to recuperate from the deterioration and abandonment that existed for decades. However, he stated their successes by noting that they had secured 52,658 high-powered weapons, 6 million ammunition supplies, 3,686 fragmented grenades, 5,000 tons of marijuana, and 90 tons of cocaine. According to García Luna the Federal Police also freed 518 victims from abductions, dismantled 99 organizations, and have secured 756 supposed abductors.
Notimez y La Jornada En Línea. “Desaparecer a policías municipales e integrarlas a estatales, propone SSP.” La Jornada. September 24, 2009.