12/03/11 — Human rights activist, protestor, and member of Javier Sicilia’s Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD) was killed in Hermosillo on Monday, November 28, 2011, allegedly by members of organized crime. Nepomuceno Moreno began advocating for peace in July 2010 when his son was killed – his body has yet to be discovered. Moreno has repeatedly implicated corrupt police officials working with organized crime in the kidnapping of his son. The Mexican government, not 24 hours following Moreno’s death, issued a statement regarding Moreno’s criminal record and implicating that his death was directly related. The Sinaloa government has stated that they have begun investigations, but all leads have suggested that Moreno’s death was connected to organized crime, the victim’s criminal record, and his son’s death. Moreno was allegedly arrested in 1979 in Arizona for heroin smuggling and possession, and again in 1997 on other drug related charges. Journalists and activists alike, however, including Sicilia, have reprimanded the government for “victimizing the victim.” On Wednesday, November 30, the Interior Department (Secretaría de Gobernación, Segob) issued a statement reprimanding local authorities for suggesting Moreno’s guilt in his own death.
Moreno has allegedly been receiving death threats leading up to his murder. He made pleas to the federal and Sinaloa governments for protection against such threats, although no protection measures were granted. Following Moreno’s murder, Sicilia immediately called for the firing of Abel Murrieta, Attorney General of Sinola, who he claims is responsible for not ensuring Moreno’s safety. Authorities maintain they received no such requests on Moreno’s part. According to the Latin American Herald Tribune, Sicilia has said that firing him would be a “really classy move politically and morally speaking by the governor and a good sign for citizens.” The Latin American Herald Tribune has further reported that the government has stated that “what happened before will not be a barrier to bringing those responsible for these reprehensible acts to justice” and that will offer their support in the investigation process to bring those responsible for Moreno’s death to justice.
Zabludovsky, Karla. “Mexico: Accuser of Police Is Killed.” The New York Times. November 29, 2011.
“Murder of Mexican Activist Sparks Corruption Claims.” The New Zealand Herald. December 1, 2011.
Incredible story.
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