Crime and Violence · Transparency & accountability

Federal Police accused of terrorizing community of Zitácuaro

Community members belonging to the municipal of Zitácuaro, Michoacán, congregated in front of City Hall, protesting actions by the Federal Preventative Police force (Policía Federal Preventiva—PFP), saying they fear them more than the  criminals the PFP is supposed to be stopping. They are asking the federal government to oversee the actions of the PFP because they affirm that the PFP is not stopping crime but rather committing crimes against the residents of Zitácuaro.

Seven complaints were filed with the Human Rights Commission for the state of Michoacán (Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos—CEDH) against the PFP in one day. According to a statement released by the CEDH, residents and family members of individuals who have disappeared filed the complaints. Elements from the PFP in Zitácuaro are being accused with excessive force, entering establishments without authorization or a warrant, torture, robbery, and the disappearance of residents.


Vilchis, Enrique. “Una vez más, habitantes de Zitácuaro se manifiestan contra la Policía Federal.” Cambio de Michoacán. 09 Julio, 2010
Gutiérrez, Hernández. “Fuera de la legalidad accionar de PF en Oriente: CEDH.” Quadratín. 08 Julio, 2010.
Primer Plano. “Acusan a la PFP de Tortura, Robo y Desapariciones.” Primer Plano. 09 Julio, 2010.

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