Transparency & accountability

DF to implement “Pink taxi” program for women

08/10/10 – On an official publication by the state government of the Federal District (Distrito Federal—DF ) a notice stated that as of September of this year the execution of the  “Taxi rosa” (Pink taxi) program will take place. According to the local government, the program is meant to offer women a secure form of transportation by means of women only cabs in order to prevent sexual harassment or abuse. The cabs would be driven only by women and would stop only for women. Armando Quinteri, secretary of Transport for the government of the DF (secretario de Transportes del gobierno del Distrito Federal), reported that the first 150 vehicles offering this service would begin circulation in September.

He explained that the program is a response to feminist groups, local diplomats, and the Women’s Institute of DF (Instituto de las Mujeres del DF), who solicited the program under the success of “Atenea,” a service for women of the Passenger Transport Network (Red de Transporte de Pasajeros). In the meantime women interested in driving these vehicles can apply up until August 31st.  All drivers will have to complete a series of requirements and trainings, including security for the transfer of passengers, and woman human rights.


Gonzalez, Alberto. “Ciudad de México lanza programa de “taxi rosa” exclusivo para mujeres.” Bio-Bio La Radio. 10 Agosto, 2010.
Rodríguez, Yadira. “Circularán taxis rosas en DF.” W Radio. 09 Agosto, 2010.
Noticiero Televisa. “Anuncia GDF red de ‘taxis rosas’ para mujeres.” Noticiero Televisa. 09 Agosto, 2010.

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