02/16/2011— The President of the Senate, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, said that violence from the War on Drugs could lead to as many deaths as those from the Vietnam War at the end of the Presidential term of Felipe Calderon. He went on to say that public security is the most important thing and while focusing on this, it is also important to have a growing economy and good governance. Beltrones agreed with President Calderon’s actions to attack even if the consequences were bad, but he didn’t agree with the President’s decision to not invite other actors to participate and help the government with the Drug War. As of now, there are approximately 35,000 people who have a died as a result of the violence from the Drug War, which as compared to the Vietnam War with 50,000 soldiers dead, the two numbers are not far off.
This post couldnt be more factual
Thankfully some bloggers can write. My thanks for this read..