The secretary of Public Security for Sinaloa (secretaria de Seguridad Pública de Sinaloa), Josefina García Ruiz, told the Mexican radio station Radio Fórmula that a confrontation between inmates in a Sinaloa prison, in the locality of Mazatlán, left twenty dead. The event occurred around 9:50 this morning after a group of inmates broke into Special module 21 (modulo 21 Especial), an isolated area conditioned to separate presumed Zeta members who have not yet been sentenced yet are considered highly dangerous from the rest of the inmates. The group of aggressors, according to Ruiz, used pistols in order to subdue a guard and two federal police officers after which they disarmed the cameras and attacked those inside, killing seventeen and injuring one. Three of the aggressors also died totaling twenty deaths. It is not yet known whether the aggressors are members of a cartel.
According to several news sources an estimated nine other bodies were found in several other modules, five of which were found in module 11. These deaths are said to be responses to the attack in module 21. According to La Jornada of the twenty-nine killed, twenty-one were shot to death and the remaining stabbed. Governor Jesús Aguilar Padilla accused the Federal Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Federal) of ignoring repeated requests to transfer dangerous criminals out of that prison stating that the Sinaloa prison system is designed for common criminals not for housing federal prisoners considered highly dangerous. Padilla also noted that the event is a consequence of the countries high-security prison deficit.
According to La Jornada the victims include the following:
Alejandro Acuña, Alfonso Lucas García, Alfredo Félix Díaz, Antonio Rafael Ibarra, Arturo Vázquez, Darío Mendoza, Diego Sarabia, Felipe Lizárraga, Francisco Félix Lizárraga, Ignacio Cruz Acuña, Javier Nearez, Jesús Alberto Adame, Jesús Antonio Reyes, Jesús Hernández, Jesús Osuna Beltrán, José Ambrosio Navarro, José Sánchez, José Sebastián Cázarez, Lisandro Peña, Mario Márquez, Pablo Algredo Castro, Pedro Sambrano Ojeda, Refugio Salinas, Rodolfo Patrón, Rolando Mirabete, Ronanlo Lizárraga, Said Sánchez and Santiago García.
El Economista Online. “Balacera deja 18 reclusos muertos en Sinaloa.” 14 Junio, 2010.
Dóriga, López. “Confirman 20 muertos en penal Mazatlán:SSP Estatal.” Grupo Fórmula. 14 Julio, 2010.
El Universal. “Aumenta a 20 los muertos en penal de Sinaloa.” El Universal. 14 Julio, 2010.
Carlos, Adriana. “Culpa gobernador a SSP por no atender traslado de reos peligrosos.” 14 Julio, 2010.