The National Commission on Human Rights (Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos—CNDH) issued recommendation 32/2010 to the federal Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública—SSP) in the case of six federal police officers presumed to have stolen money from Central American migrants.
According to the testimony of the victims, on January 23, 2010 the uniformed officers stopped the train that passes from Chiapas to Oaxaca, and forced the migrants that were on board off of the train. After which they took their money and abandoned them. Three days afterwards elements from the Federal Police (Policía Federal) stopped the convoy of vehicles transporting the migrants, who were accompanied by the El Salvador Consul in Arria, and two of the police officers were identified as the perpetuators.
The CNDH was able to put into evidence the human rights violations of the plaintiffs by SSP public servants. In their recommendation they solicited the collaboration of the federal agency in the complaint it will put forth before the Internal Control Body in the Federal Police (Órgano Interno de Control en la PF), and before the Federal Attorney General’s Office (La Procuraduría General de la República –PGR).
Notimex. “Emite CNDH recomendacion a SSP por abuso contra migrantes.” SDP Noticias. 06 Julio, 2010.
La Jornada En Línea. “Emite CNDH recomendación a SSP por abuso a migrantes.” La Jornada. 06 Julio, 2010.