08/13/11 – At a large ceremony on August 10, Baja California Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millán celebrated the achievements and advancements made in one year since state officials began implementing the New Penal Justice System (Nueva Sistema de Justicia Penal, NSJP) in Baja California. Osuna and other government officials spoke of the importance of the NSJP as meeting a “societal demand” to see a more transparent and efficient justice system. The celebration was fueled in part by the release of a study conducted on the implementation and impact of the NSJP after a one-year period. According to El Informador, the study found that in the past year under the new system, there have been 1,756 oral hearings; 155 oral trials; 16,355 investigations launched by the ministerial police; 6,293 investigation folders opened; 155 sentences executed; and 11,772 resolved issues registered with the State’s Alternative Justice System (Sistema Estatal de Justicia Alternativa).
Despite the successes touted by government officials, the difficulties of changing to a new judicial system were also recognized. “The first year has been a great learning period; it has not been easy or simple. The NSPJ advances and is here to stay, however it requires some to adjust more profoundly than others,” stated Osuna. Looking forward, he continued saying that the new judicial system “requires that we accelerate the changes and get rid of the backlog… We need to convince the critics of the benefits of its results.” He also pointed to the need to better coordinate among entities involved in the judicial system, as well as to continue professionalizing public servants.
Among those in attendance at the Mexicali celebration were federal, state, and local officials, soldiers, judges, businessmen, and citizens. Also in attendance were the president of the Baja California Supreme Court (Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Estado), María Esther Rentería Ibarra; the current president of Baja California’s Congress (Congreso del Estado), Carlos Murguía Mejía; and under secretary of Judicial Topics and Human Rights for the Interior Ministry (Asuntos Jurídicos y Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Gobernación), Felipe de Jesús Zamora Castro, who was present on behalf of President Felipe Calderón.
Martinez, Hugo Y. “Nuevo sistema penal no es un capricho.” La Crónica.com. August 11, 2011.
Redacción. “Un año de aprendizaje con NSJP: Osuna.” El Informador. August 12, 2011.