08/26/10 – The Mexican military and navy undertook two simultaneous operations in the state of Nuevo Leon which resulted in more than 25 arrests and at least 7 vehicles being seized. In response to these raids, armed groups created “narco-roadblocks” to create disturbances throughout the city.
In the municipality of García, the military raided a home suspected of being a safe house for a local criminal organization. There, authorities arrested seven men and five women and seized seven vehicles along with undisclosed items carried out in duffel bags. The second operation, led by navy forces, took place in a warehouse located in the municipality of Apodaca; at least fifteen people were arrested following a small confrontation between the navy troops and armed gunmen.
The arrests prompted local criminal groups to create “narco-roadblocks” throughout both municipalities. Small firefights between armed groups and authorities caused injuries for two military elements.
Cedillo, Juan. “En NL, militares arrestan; narcos liberan…” El Universal. 26 August, 2010.
El Porvenir. “Confirma Procuraduría detenciones y bloqueos.” El Porvenir. 26 August, 2010.