Nearly a year after Federal District (DF) police claimed to have arrested members of the La Flor kidnapping ring responsible for killing Fernando Martí, the 14-year-old son of a wealthy Mexico City businessman, federal police now also claim to have arrested the culprits, members of a separate criminal organization. The members of the so-called Petricolet gang, allegedly led by Abel Silva Petricolet who is still at large, have confessed to the kidnapping and killing of Martí, according to federal authorities. The group has also been implicated in 23 other kidnappings, in which they allegedly set up fake police checkpoints, targeting businessmen and their children. Federal officials say that Fernando’s driver, who survived the attack, recognized a safe-house, from which two kidnapping victims were freed.
The second round of arrests has put DF officials in the uncomfortable position of trying to reconcile the apparent discrepancy at a time when public trust in the capitol’s police force is generally low. The newly-formed Federal Police, which made the recent arrests, and the Federal District Attorney General’s Office are currently sharing information to determine if the two criminal groups are linked. Alejandro Martí, Fernando’s Father, has asked local and federal authorities not to politicize his son’s murder, and to work together to sort out their differences.
From the July Justice in Mexico Project’s Monthly News Report:
Ellingwood, Ken. “Authorities in Mexico say they’ve solved teen’s slaying – again.” Los Angeles Times July 18, 2009.
“Empresario mexicano pide despolitizar asesinato de su hijo.” Prensa Latina July 19, 2009.
Avilés Allende, Carlos. “Policía Federal y PGJDF intercambian datos del caso Martí.” El Universal July 20, 2009.