A clandestine laboratory where elaborate synthetic drugs were produced was dismantled by members of the military in Soyatan del Oro of the municipality Atengo, 139 kilometers from the capital. Inside the lab 293.3 kilograms of moist, granulated substance, essential for the elaboration of synthetic drugs, known as “crystal,” were discovered. Four guns of different calibers, and 134 cartridges of ammunition were also discovered as reported by the V military region and the XV military zone.
The military found 70 grams of marijuana, 12 barrels with the capacity of 200 liters that contained various chemical substances necessary for the production of synthetic drugs, and plastic bags containing 22-25 kilograms each of caustic soda and sodium acetate. Drug producing accessories such as burners and pots were found as well, and all materials were brought to the disposition of the federal authorities.
The discovery of the site and arrest of the following men is attributed to a citizen complaint in the area.Carlos Pelayo Cuevas, 43; Tomás Odoño Beltrán, 32; Joel Ignacio Arias Moreno, 29; Candelario Odoño Virgen, 28; José Miguel Organista Odoño, 27; and Jaime Daniel Pajardo Sánchez, 21. All these men were originally from Soyatlán del Oro.