Two vehicles in Zapopan, Jalisco attacked a third one late Tuesday evening. Witnesses stated that a Ford Lobo truck, with two men and one woman inside, was parked on the side of the street when another car came up behind the truck and parked behind it. Soon after, a Lincoln truck drove straight into the front of the Ford truck and began shooting at the people inside. One passenger was killed by the gunfire while the others managed to drive away to the nearest hospital for treatment.
The Lincoln truck arrived at the hospital just minutes after and threw a grenade inside the area for intensive care; only one medic was injured in this second attack. Local police began to pursue the truck for a few blocks before it ran a red light and collided with another vehicle. The gunmen managed to run away on foot and exchanged gunfire with the police before being captured and detained. No injuries were reported in this incident. The Lincoln truck was found with grenades, assault rifles, police radios, and fake police uniforms inside. The reason for the attack is still unclear.
Zamarroni Martínez, Ulises. “Chocan presuntos sicarios en Zapopan.” El Universal. 13 July, 2010.