08/06/10 – A car bomb exploded in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas this past Thursday evening. The explosion occurred in the rear parking lot of a police station in which the Secretary of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal – SSP) and the local police force operate out of. The staff of the building were inside at the time of the explosion; fortunately, there were no reported injuries or deaths. Only two police vehicles were damaged in the explosion.
The car was a white Tsuru and was parked alongside other police vehicles. An investigation is ongoing to determine the reason for the bombing and to find those accountable. It is reported that there were no prior threats indicating that the attack would occur.
This is the second car bombing in México within the last month. On July 16, a car bomb exploded in Ciudad Juarez, killing three people.
Univision. “Exploto un coche bomba en Mexico.” Univision. 06 August, 2010.
El Universal. “Vehiculo estalla en SSP de Victoria.” El Universal. 06 August, 2010.