08/23/10 – At the entrance of a mining facility located in Pachuca, Hidalgo, nineteen bodies were found buried and decomposing. The discovery was made after two detained members of Los Zetas gave up information while being interrogated. They also made mentions of more gravesites located throughout the city as well as in surrounding municipalities, but no more findings were made by the time of this posting.
Investigators also arrested at least nine arrests of corrupt police officials who provided protection for the crime group Los Zetas; it is also reported that the members of the police knew of the clandestine burial site. Among the arrested were a delegate of the state Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaria de Seguridad Publica – SSP), a director of the local police in Pachuca, and a commissioner from Ciudad Sahagún.
La Jornada. “Descubren narcofosa con 19 cadáveres en Pachuca.” La Jornada. 23 August, 2010.
Ansalatina. “Hallan fosa clandestina con 19 cuerpos en Hidalgo.” Ansalatina. 23 August, 2010.