The federal Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública—SSP) reported that since December of 2006 there have been 1,626 individuals detained who belong to the command structure of organized crime dedicated to drug-trafficking and kidnapping. The cartel hit the hardest with 622 (38%) of the total detentions carried out by the SSP of individuals pertaining to the command structure of criminal organizations is the Golf-Zetas cartel, double the detentions compared to the Sinaloa cartel headed by Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán.
Following the Golf cartel are:
- La Familia Michoacan cartel, with 517 detentions.
- Sinaloa cartel, with 304 detentions.
- Juárez cartel, with 84 detentions
- Tijuana cartel, with 65 detentions.
- Colombia cartel, with 34 detentions.
According to the SSP, in this month alone they have detained 13 plagiarists, and 65 members of various criminal organizations, the majority of which have been captured in Chihuahua, Nayrit, Jalisco, Hidalgo and Michoacán. In Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 14 presumed members of the criminal organization la Línea, the armed unit of the Juarez cartel headed by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias “el Viceroy,” were captured.
El Economista. “Zetas, los más capturados por la SSP.” El Economista. 18 Julio, 2010.
González, María de la Luz. “Han caído mil 626 narcomandos: PF.” El Universal. 18 Julio, 2010.