Human Rights and Civil Society · Transparency & accountability

108 Judges and Public Servants are sanctioned by CJF

03/25/11 – During the last two years, 108 public servants of the Federal Judiciary have been punished by the Federal Judiciary Council (Consejo de la Judicatura Federal, CJF) for irregularities that range from lack of professionalism, dishonesty, impartiality, sexual harassment, and abuse of power. These statistics were made known to the public in an attempt to promote transparency in Mexico after the CJF received numerous complaints from various public sectors regarding the lack of transparency of the Federal Judicial Police (Policía Judicial Federal, PJF).

A total of 2,592 public servants were investigated from March 13, 2009 to March 13, 2011 by the CJF and the Comisión de Disciplina (Disciplinary Commission). CJF highlighted that among the 108 officials who have been sanctioned, 5 judges from the Federal District and 10 judges from Circuit courts have been temporarily suspended from their positions due to a lack of professionalism, having a notorious reputation for ineptitude, lack of respect for their subordinates, and forms of harassment. The Federal District and the states of Quintana Roo, Guerrero, Jalisco, and state of Mexico had the greatest number of reported cases. The states of Baja California Sur, Colima, Durango, Tamaulipas and Yucatán did not report any cases.

117 sanctions were submitted, noting that an official could have been punished with more than one sanction. 80 cases were considered not too serious while 37 were considered serious. Sanctioned officials consisted of judges, secretaries, judicial analysts, and other administrative officials. 32 of the cases included women while the remaining 76 included men.



González, María de la Luz. Poder Judicial sanciona a 108 de sus miembros.” El Universal. 24 March, 2011.

Mosso, Rubén. “Sancionan a jueces y magistrados del CJF.” Milenio. 23, March, 2011.

Notimex. “CJF sancionó a 108 funcionarios en dos años.” El Economista. 23 March, 2011.

1 thought on “108 Judges and Public Servants are sanctioned by CJF”

  1. Pingback: Only 108 ?……I´m not believin´it ! | thebrokencorral

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